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Here is a link to the game on itch:

This game revolves mainly around worldbuilding. You focus on creating neighborhoods, landmarks, and residence. Taking turns the players go in a circle fleshing out the world with new additions and taking the time to reflect on how these additions to the city affect each other. This game has no GM and is a collaborative game that has a calming pace and especially focuses on the collaborative creation of fleshing out a world.

I offered up this game to my ttrpg group (hi elle hi antrita) since in my mind it is a great introduction to ttrpgs other than DND as its mechanics focus on creation as a group activity and give each player a turn to shape the world directly when it is their turn.

Having the ability to alter and change the world the game inhabits is inherently satisfying and the way the game is plaid consists of laying out a bunch of flashcards, and adding the cities information onto them. You can connect cards by overlapping them or putting them in proximity and there is an Event system that makes you build cards atop already placed ones. This leaves you at the end of a game with a map of sorts that documents the collaborative process and holds a narrative. The game highlights that players should only write brief descriptions and ‘True Names’ (like the spiritual essence of a card) meaning that there is a sense that this world is temporary and held only in the mind of the players. This makes the game a rewarding and infinitely playable experience as with each playthrough you construct a narrative that is held predominantly in the collective consciousness of the group you worked with.

I super duper recommend it 😀
