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Taco vs Burrito is a 2-4 player game where its main win condition revolves around adding “ingredients” to you or your opponent’s taco or burrito in order to score the highest among all players of the game. Each player get to choose whether they wish to be a taco or burrito, though neither choice gives any advantage in the game in any form. The game is played with two different types of cards: Taco/Burrito cards, as well as action cards. Taco/Burrito cards that vary from old sushi, to fried bugs, to tummy aches, to hot sauce boss, you can add, subtract, and multiply(on the final score) point values from any taco or burrito in play(As well as come up with a toooootally tasty burrito🤮). For Action cards, they play specific effects that can vary from stealing cards, blocking actions, choosing trashed cards, and more. Once all cards have been played, the total points in every person’s Taco/Burrito are counted to see who has the most points to decide the winner.

The game itself is rather simple(as it was created by a 7 year old), but the simplicity is what allows for the fun of the game. One has to pay attention to the cards on hand and decide whether to add to their own, take away from another, or even play the long game and after seemingly losing, flip the tables with an action card and win in a last ditch effort. However, this alone is not where the fun of the game comes in. I found myself, rather than going for the win, instead indulging on the idea of the most disgusting Taco/Burrito imaginable. After all, even if I didn’t win, I would still have the great satisfaction of knowing that I not only created an eldritch horror food, but also that I gave the opponent maybe a few too many tummy aches😅. I will say that I do not kn ow how the game would end up in an interaction of 3 or 4 players as I only played it in its two payer format. With only two people, there definitely was a limit to the creativity and interesting plays to be made as you could only act on yourself or the opponent. Should I have played with more people, I believe that more opportunities could have been taken to ensure exciting gameplay.

Through my experience with two people however, I felt that there was still something missing to help take the game to another interactive level. The current Taco vs Burrito focuses solely on individual cards as they are with the exception of the multiplying card. However, it would be very interesting(and also very fun) if one could compound effects of certain cards together to add the the “fun creations” aspect of the game. I think that in this game, it is not that important to win the game, but to instead have fun with friends and family as you explore all of the fun yet horrendous creations that you can come up with. Should this game create such a compound system, I believe that it will have a similar feeling to Cards Against Humanity in which you can afford to be creative and form interesting combinations and scenarios enjoyable for all players regardless of winning or losing.

All in all however, I found Taco vs Burrito to be a nice and simple game that can be played with a relatively short run time. I believe if this game enhances on the creative gameplay mechanics, it would be an even more engaging and creative game experience!